At the opening of the academic year, all financial agreements can be registered in Spark-ED in advance, creating a detailed financial forecast to follow up. This will help your accounting department to get an overview of all planned payments per month and service. Estimate the expected monthly payments and identify easily the delayed. The system is integrated with the CRM module allowing the mass creation of CRM actions or registration of remarks. Moreover, automated SMS or email to overdue payers can be sent via Spark-ED.
Payments Overview & Overdue

Stay Organized
Organize whole school from one dashboard.

Stay Connected
Parents, Students, Staff, Admin, Suppliers and Government communications through single platform.

Move Into the Future
Continuous updates keep your school on growth path.
Would you like to know more?
See for yourself why we are the best Educational solutions provider. Request our Demo material of per-recorded Spark-ED Web Portal videos or schedule a one-to-one presentation with our experts, tailored to your institute’s configuration.
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