Microsoft Office 365

Spark-ED is one of the best School Management Systems fully integrated with Office 365.

Once a student, teacher, employee or parent creates a Spark-ED account, the system automatically creates an Office 365 account.

Additionally, Spark-ED will automatically create mailboxes, assign Office 365 licenses and create security groups.

Any subject in Spark-ED is associated with Office 365 SharePoint libraries or MS Teams.

By enabling Office 365, end users will log on using the secured and reliable Microsoft Authentication service of Office 365. Using this single sign-on mechanism, end users can access any Office 365 application from within Spark-ED portal.

Stay Organized

Organize whole school from one dashboard.

Stay Connected

Parents, Students, Staff, Admin, Suppliers and Government communications through single platform.

Move Into the Future

Continuous updates keep your school on growth path.

Would you like to know more?

See for yourself why we are the best Educational solutions provider. Request our Demo material of per-recorded Spark-ED Web Portal videos or schedule a one-to-one presentation with our experts, tailored to your institute's configuration.

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