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Employee Profile
Spark-ED stores employee’s record including Basic Information, Contact Information, Document Information, Qualification Information, Account Information, User Login, Designation History and Term History. Employee profile can be done by navigating to the left panel of the dashboard to Employee->employee list. Here you can select or filter the employee and enter their profile page. Please take a look on below given screen shots.
By using employee list page

By using any key search feature

Permission: This module contains four permissions.
Create Employee | Anyone with this permission can create Employee |
Edit Employee | Anyone with this permission can Edit Employee |
List Employee | Anyone with this permission can view List Employee |
Delete Employee | Anyone with this permission can Delete Employee |
To assign or change permission, visit <your_url>/configuration/permission.

In the top right side, there are options to:
• Employee – This will open a list of employees.
• Edit Employee – This will allow you to edit employee profile including all the element.
The employee profile page have several records including Basic Information, Contact Information, Document Information, Qualification Information, Account Information, User Login, Designation History and Term History. Please have a look on below given each element of employee profile.
Basic Information:
It contains employee’s all basic information including name, date of birth, gender, Marital status, Date of anniversary, Unique identification number, father name, mother name, caste, category etc. You can edit the information at any time by click the button of edit employee on the top right corner of employee profile page.

Contact Information:
Contact Information section allow you to view employee contact information including contact number, alternate contact number, email, emergency contact name, emergency contact number, present and permanent address. You can edit the information at any time by click the button of edit employee on the top right corner of employee profile page. For the better understanding please have a look at below given screen shot.

Document Information:
This module is allowed to upload and manage various documents of your employees to specific document type. Before uploading the document, you should configure the Employee Document Type through configuration->module configuration->employee configuration-> Employee Document Type. Here, you can define document types to specify an employee’s document such as – “Salary Certificate”, “Mark sheet” etc. while uploading.

Above is the screenshot to add new document, where you need to enter desired details like title and employee document type. Once you complete all the details and upload the document, you can click on save button to save the new document details.
Qualification Information:
This section allows you to record qualification details of your employees at one place, upload qualification documents. You can upload the qualification document at any time by click the button of edit employee on the top right corner of employee profile page. Please look at below given screen shot.

Above is the screenshot to add new qualification, where you need to enter desired details like standard, institute name, board/university name, result and period. Once you complete all the details and upload the document, you can click on save button to save the new qualification details.
Account Information:
This section allows you to add and manage employee’s bank account details, mark one of the accounts as primary. You can edit the information at any time by click the button of edit employee on the top right corner of employee profile page. For the better understanding please have a look at below given screen shot.

Above is the screenshot to add new account, where you need to enter desired details like account name, account number, bank name, branch name, bank identification code and option to account primary. Once you complete all the details, you can click on save button to save the new account details.
User Login:
This section allows you to add and manage employee’s login access for employee. You can you can allow for access the account at any time by click the button of edit employee on the top right corner of employee profile page. Please have a look at below given screen shot.

By clicking edit employee button, you can allow for access the account. Here, you have to enter details for employee including their email, username and password. You can also change the password of already accessed account.
Designation History:
This section allows you to Designation history of the employee. Here all information is available in the form of Designation, Employee Category, Department, Date Effective and Date End.

You can edit, delete and view the information at any time by click the button of edit employee on the top right corner of employee profile page. For the better understanding please have a look at below given screen shot.

Term History:
This section allows you to Term history including the details of Date of Joining and Date of Leaving. Here, you can view the Term information by pressing button of view. You can you can allow to edit Term history at any time by click the button of edit employee on the top right corner of employee profile page. Please have a look at below given screen shot.

Above is the screenshot, you can edit, delete and view the information at any. Once you change the detail press save button to save the information.
If you face any issue, please raise a ticket at our support portal.