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Exam Configuration
To begin working with Exam module, you need to first go to Configuration -> Module Configuration -> Exam Configuration. Here, you need to configure four elements; Exam Term, Exam Assessment, Observation Parameter and Exam Grade

1. Exam Term : In this section, you can define and manage term/ Semester wise exam and associate them with the course group.

2. Exam Assessment : In this section, you can define and manage multiple assessment type (Written/Practical/Notebook etc) for each exam, maximum mark, pass percentage etc.

3. Observation Parameter : In this section, you can define and manage observational parameters/Co-Scholastic parameters like (Work Education/Health & Physical Activities etc) for each exam, sub-parameters, maximum mark etc.

4. Exam Grade : In this section, you can define and manage exam grade for academic and observational assessment with different minimum & maximum percentage and use it in report cards etc. Exam module also supports exam without grading system.

If you face any issue, please raise a ticket at our support portal.