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Transport Report module

Report module allows to generate Printable Report of all transport related reports including Vehicle Summary Report, Route wise Report and Stoppage wise Report.  Report Card module can be navigated by using left Menu bar of the dashboard to Transport->Report.

Permission: This module contains only permissions.

Access Transport ReportAnyone with this permission can access Transport Report

To assign or change permission, visit <your_url>/configuration/permission.

Vehicle Summary Report

This feature allows you to get to know which vehicle is most performing & which is least. Filter student with various filter.

•    Filter – This allows you to filter as per the available options.

•    Sort By – This allows you to sort the record in ascending or descending order by supported columns.

•    More Option – This allows you to take print out or to download list of vehicle summary details

In the bottom left, there is option to navigate to next and previous pages. In the bottom right, there is option to set pagination i.e. number of records per page.

Route wise Report

This feature allows you to get transport route wise student’s detail. Select the route and get the details of it.

•    More Option – This allows you to take print out or to download list Route wise details

In the bottom left, there is option to navigate to next and previous pages. In the bottom right, there is option to set pagination i.e. number of records per page.

Stoppage wise Report

This feature allows you to get transport stoppage wise student’s detail. Select the stoppage and get the details of it.

•    More Option – This allows you to take print out or to download list Stoppage wise details

In the bottom left, there is option to navigate to next and previous pages. In the bottom right, there is option to set pagination i.e. number of records per page.

If you face any issue, please raise a ticket at our support portal.

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