How Can We Help?
The attendance module is used to capture the presence or absence of students of a batch/class. This feature can be accessed under the Student module. To begin working with the attendance module, you need to first go to Configuration -> Module Configuration -> Student Configuration-> Attendance Configuration. You can fill or change the details as per your requirements. Below is the screenshot of the attendance configuration.

Attendance of each batch/class can be recorded by using three attendance methods-
- Once per day
- More than once per day
- Subject wise

Permission: This module contains four permissions.
List Student Attendance | Anyone with this permission can list all the student attendance |
Mark Student Attendance | Anyone with this permission can mark student attendance |
Mark Class Teacher Wise Student Attendance | Anyone with this permission can mark class teacher wise student attendance |
To assign or change permission, visit <your_url>/configuration/permission

Above is the screenshot of attendance capture format, where attendance of a batch can be recorded using any attendance method with four type of attendance variables i.e. Present, Late, Half Day and Absent. Once attendance is recorded, it can be updated or deleted at any time.
In the top right side, there is an option of absentee to know how many students are absent on a particular date. Here you can use various filter to extract a specific information. You can send SMS to the parents of selected absentee students.

Above is the screenshot of form, where you can select a batch or other details for extraction of a specific information and send them SMS.
If you face any issue, please raise a ticket at our support portal.